At the heart of the BEHCA app and its ability to connect support teams around those in care is the unique level of data tracking which can be performed. Through utilization of easy to use drop-down lists the BEHCA app can be used to quickly and richly document observations at high standards – both by seasoned behavior professionals as well as new-to-the-field support staff alike! These tracking lists cover behavioral, environmental and health related topics, which can and should be routinely updated to reflect the support strategy and world experienced by the individual having data tracked (ie the Profile). 

We manage these lists through the Profile Customization section of a given Profile’s settings, and we have created a ‘mini-training’ of sorts to walk through the how’s and why’s of curating a Profile’s customization lists. We welcome you to check out our ~8 minute mini-training video and greatly welcome thoughts and feedback you may have around what you see. 

As always, you can share comments to and we relish hearing directly from our BEHCA users so don’t hesitate to reach out!