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Quality Time
Gain predictability and a new level of understanding for individuals with challenging and complex behaviors
Gain predictability and a new level of understanding for individuals with challenging and complex behaviors
Collaborate like a pro with data, not opinions
Secure, encrypted cloud data application
For yourself, your family and your care team
Electronic medication administration tracking
Understand environmental and health related influences
Tracking behaviors consistently can be a struggle when you can barely deal with the constant waves of challenging behavior. Behaviors often change and have various ebbs and flows, which can be exhausting to understand how to support. We all want to do what's best for our children and experience a sense of harmony within our homes. BEHCA was built to provide a better, more accurate view into a person's world who otherwise may not have the ability to articulate themselves - leading to a new level of understanding for individuals who require support in order to thrive.
BEHCA provides an opportunity for comprehensive observation tracking and comparative analysis, looking at all variables influencing behavior. Through recorded data we can collaborate with doctors, occupational therapists and behavior specialists effectively to become a potent advocate.
Clearly find effective medication support levels based on observed data trends and holistic behavioral timeline.
At home and community based observation data presents a holistic view of an individual and allows for timely med adjustments based on data, not opinions.
BEHCA is designed to be collaborative, allowing you to invite others to observe and track as well. This might include teachers, in-home care providers, or other support professionals.