Liability Protection and Proof of Care Tool

With the most challenging and complex behaviors, BEHCA helps break down barriers, lending insight into what that behavior is communicating.

The ease of use for this product is amazing. The option to customize just what you need makes data entry faster. This gives you more time working with the individual, not sitting behind a keyboard. The customizability also lets the product grow with your needs. We switched [to BEHCA] because of all the time we saved!
Dr Jessica L
Forensic Psychologist
Changing The Business of Caring

With Profound Insight

User Friendly

Customizable one-click tracking on app or web

Not ‘Just’ Behavior

Understand environmental & health related influences

Incident Alerts

Never miss a moment when time matters

Med Monitoring

Electronic medication administration tracking

Compliance Reporting

Prove your level of care to licensing teams with data

What we do best

The ONLY Behavior Analysis Tool You Will Ever Need

Maintain current funding through BEHCA analytics by illustrating daily Care, Support, and Intervention Intervals. Prove your quality of care with data facts - not opinions.

No Room For Mistakes

Intuitive and Streamlined Medication Administration Records (MAR) System

Gain imperative oversight with MAR documentation - push notification reminders for staff and system prompts for potential med issues. Administrator alerts when mediations are given outside of assigned times. 

Save Time And Improve Documentation

Thorough Incident Reports With E-Signatures and Supervisor Alerts

We can learn from crisis: BEHCA Incident Reporting guides staff through a complete IR summary process with all the privacy, review and authorization elements needed to be compliant and identify root causes of an undesirable situation. 

We're Here To Help
Talk To The BEHCA Team Today!

Sometimes doing anything differently than we did yesterday can feel daunting, even if positive change is in the next step. With more than 25 years in the field, we will listen to your story, learn about your organization and show the ways that BEHCA has proven to be a lifeline for similar providers and their residents.